Wednesday, June 27, 2012

LaTex: Subequations with a left brace

A colleague in my lab wanted to use subequations (he wanted to number two equations with the same number but with .a and .b) while keeping a large left brace around the two equations.  I stumbled upon the way to do this using the package empheq.

To use the empheq package be sure to use the following line in your preamble.


Then in your document you can use:

    x &= y + z \\
     y &= \sin(\theta)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mac OS: Click non-highlighted buttons without using the mouse

I recently discovered this trick in Mac OSX Lion that allows you to navigate pop-up windows without taking your hands off the keyboard.

When I want to save a document I press 'cmd - s', but if the document exists I get a pop-up window with two buttons 'Cancel' and 'Save' with 'Save' highlighted.  If I hit the 'return' button on the keyboard I get a second pop-up window with two buttons 'Cancel' and 'Replace' with 'Cancel' highlighted.  I tried all sorts of combinations of tab to highlight the second button but nothing worked.  Then I discovered that you should hit 'cmd - "first letter of the button tag"'.  In this case I hit 'cmd-r', and it was equivalent to clicking the 'Replace' button.  I still don't know how to highlight the replace button so that I can then hight the 'return' button to click on the button, so if you know please comment.